Have you ever noticed that when some people discover you have a problem, they just can't wait to tell you what's good for you? They come out with all sorts of theories as to how you must do this, that or the other, with no regard for accuracy or indeed the personal feelings of whoever it is they are giving the benefit of their vast wisdom!
The author of this article was put on insulin some 2 years ago, and has been amazed at the general level ignorance as to what this means.
Also, although it's true that a bar of chocolate is not good for you, a small amount is fine, so you don't have to succumb completely to the food police just because you have diabetes and you're injecting insulin.
You do however, have to pay very close attention to your blood sugars by regular checking during the day. Even when you are on insulin, your blood sugars will still vary, depending on any extra exercise that may have been taken that day, or different foods.
However, a hypoglycaemic episode does not kill cells in the brain, another myth that gets trotted out from time to time. It is a fact, that a severe hypoglycaemic episode can have the effect of confusion or impaired clarity of thought, but the body also releases hormones that help the body recover from such an episode, and together with a dose of easily absorbed glucose, the body, and the brain, will recover with no damage or loss of cells! Some say the diabetes destroys your sense of humour.
Apart from the shock of being diagnosed with a chronic disease, the resulting attitude of the patient largely rests with them. One can choose to sink into a pit of despair, and indeed, one of the side effects of diabetes is hypertension, which can lead to stress and depression.
However, there are positives to take from a diagnosis of diabetes, in that given the need to keep to a healthy diet and exercise; it can be the motivation to finally start losing weight and getting fitter.
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